
Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag New Age Spirituality
There are 63 articles associated with the tag New Age Spirituality!
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Self Help - Mind Body Spirit Information That Will Challenge The Way You View Life!
Regardless of personal viewpoint about spirituality, many have wondered what would have happened if Saddam Hussein hadn't been stopped when he first invaded Kuwait back in the early nineties? Well, this story explores that scenario to its surprising conclusion and then reinvents the scene time and again in a sequence similar to 'Groundhog Day' but in a self help mind, body, spirit theme.
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Spirituality - Inspirational Stories ( Part 69 )
For those who believe in God there is another way, which is much less difficult. They give up the fruits of work unto the Lord; they work and are never attached to the results. Whatever they see, feel, hear, or do, is for Him. For whatever good work we may do, let us not claim any praise or benefit. It is the Lord's; give up the fruits unto Him. Let us stand aside and think that we are only servants obeying the Lord, our Master, and that every impulse for action comes from Hi...
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Spirituality - Inspirational Stories ( Part 68 )
So Karma-Yoga says, first destroy the tendency to project this tentacle of selfishness, and when you have the power of checking it, hold it in and do not allow the mind to get into the ways of selfishness. Then you may go out into the world and work as much as you can. Mix everywhere, go where you please; you will never be contaminated with evil. There is the lotus leaf in the water; the water cannot touch and adhere to it; so will you be in the world. This is called Vairagy...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 2 )
Sometimes, the simplest things can be the most profound. So it was on this beautiful morning in June. It was almost like any other morning in summer except for the peculiarity of the sunlight in my backyard. The rays of light streaming through the outstretched branches seemed to take on a special hue. An otherworldly glow from these reflections set the tone for the day. What a glorious morning, I thought, as I made preparations to take my wife, Mardai,to the hospital again....
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 1 )
Some of us met on the pages of When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat. Others of us may have met at lectures, seminars, airports, on telephones or in letters. Still others have met in areas beyond the more familiar, three-dimensional world. And yet, though our meeting may have been as brief as two ships passing in the night,or as long as a lifetime, we are drawn together by gifts that transcend time itself gifts such as truth, freedom, joy, peace, love and, most importan...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 9 )
Among the different people Id met years ago was a man whose name was Gideon. Today, as I sat quietly on the porch gazing at the trees in the backyard, he came to my mind once more. Gideon was a very special person, indeed. I first met him in a parking lot not far from the Big City where I used to live. Together we shared some special adventures and through him I was introduced to some of the most exhilarating experiences of my life.I had often wondered what became of him...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 97 )
Children meet God more often than adults do. Yours see Him everyday. But today, they wont be able to see Him here. His main business is with you. Marla and I have made some other arrangements for Malika and Jonathan. Theyll both be spending the night at their friends home.Ill have to tell them about this.The arrangements have already been made, so dont worry, just go about your work as if nothings happening, he said....
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 96 )
I see youre trying to be funny, Gideon, I said. Ill always have time for God. Its an honor to have Him visit. By the way, what do you meanGod visits the neighbors homes, too?He visits all homes, but not all see Him. He speaks to all,but not all hear Him. He has visited your home so many times that its almost as if He lives there. He also lives in your neighbors homes, in homes in every city and village. He lives everywh...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 95 )
The following week was spent catching up with all the little tasks I had left undone. The memory of my visit with God was fresh in my mind, and I made even greater efforts to practice being in His Presence. I regretted not being able to obtain any specific information about Mardai, but I was content with the thought that I would soon find out more.Saturday arrived and I found myself experiencing a strong undercurrent of excitement. Upon closer examination, I couldnt find...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 8 )
There is really nothing else we can do, said the chief physician with a deep sigh.We must now wait.A horrible emptiness overcame me. We had not come this far to lose. First, losing all our material possessions years earlier,then losing my father*, and now the chance oflosing my wife? No! My heart screamed out in protest,as if by sheer force of will I could change the course of destiny. No! She will again recover as she has done so many times before. But a still, smal...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 89 )
Well, John, said Gideon. What are you thinking? Thinking? Im not really thinking about anything. Why dont you introduce me to this beautiful lady? I asked. Oh, Im so sorry,replied Marla. I thought you knew her. Youve met many times before and she knows you. John, please meet God.God? I stammered, looking at the lady sitting so quietly on the floor before me. God? You arent God, are yo...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 88 )
Yes, Marla joined in. Ask God any questions you want. He never refuses to answer, although sometimes, He does not offer explanations. This can be frustrating, but thats how youll learn.Ive longed to see Him again, I said. There are so many things I want to know and, yet, all the questions I had are gone from my mind. This is ridiculous, you know. Before either one could answer the receptionist came over and spoke. You m...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 84 )
Of course, John, he said. We heard that you were going to be on this flight, and since we had a meeting at Headquarters, we figured wed join you and keep you company for a while. Always good to see a friend.But how did you get on the plane? I asked. Listen, said Marla. Why walk on water when you can fly?John, said Gideon, there are other ways of traveling that youre not acquainted with, yet. We are her...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 83 )
I spent some time with the children and then started preparing for the next day. There was little to do, and since tomorrow would be a long day, we turned in early. Sleep is a gift. It calms the troubled heart and restores to the mind and body the necessary strength and energy to continue living one day at a time. I must have slept well, for when I woke up I was totally refreshed and ready to go.I arrived at the airport on schedule, checked in and boarded my plane. This w...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 78 )
That part of us which seems to know,which seems to be so silent and serene, that God-part placed there by our Creator is ever so loving, ever so kind and always our conscience and our guide. Somehow,I felt safe and sure of my world at this moment. I wasnt afraid of sequences of events or even consequences. I was just grateful that a whole New World was opening up for me as fast as it was.Returning home, the first thing I heard was the phone ringing. These days, Im reluc...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 77 )
Suddenly the sunlight broke through the clouds and flooded the area with warmth and hope. Birds appeared as if out of nowhere, and way off in the distance, the arc of a rainbow emerged, then slowly disappeared. I returned to the house to help the children prepare breakfast.A little later in the day, I drove around the neighborhood. Trees were uprooted, power lines cut, and debris scattered all over, but fortunately, no one was injured. Within a few days, most of these unf...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 73 )
In the middle of trying to put the pieces together, there was a banging on my bedroom door and, as they sometimes do, Malika and Jonathan rushed in.Hi, Daddy! Shouted Jonathan.We thought you were sleeping, said Malika. But when we heard the phone, we knew you had to be awake. Hi kids, I said. Is everything OK?They must have seen the confusion on my face as I sat there. Malika replied, Yes, of course. Whats the matter, D...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 72 )
John, stop putting yourself down. Theres been enough of that in the past. We enjoyed your company. Youre just striving to learn more, to know more and to be a better person. Thats why you ask so many questions. You can never annoy us. We love you too much. Lets go. After you get a good nights rest, youll feel much better. Thanks, Gideon. Please, let me help pay for dinner. No, John. It goes on my expense account. Remember we ...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 71 )
Come now, John! Marla said. You meet with God and its not important? You ask questions of Jesus, the Buddha, Gandhi and others, and you wonder whether you were dreaming or really experiencing the events? You conversed with your dad who had died a few years earlier, and you think its your imagination? Listen, John, there is an extremely fine line between reality and dreams. In their own dimensions, they are each very real. The trick is to know which is which and...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 70 )
Here I was, concerned about the major problems I faced in life, and there was Theo telling me about trees. Yet, what he said truly made sense. Sometimes we are so busy with the things that seem important that we forget those that are truly important our children,our mates,our friends,our Earth.I think Ill have some more wine, I said as I reached for the bottle. I poured some in my glass and offered some to the others. It certainly was the best wine I had ever tasted....
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 66)
Then how come you knew what I was thinking? I asked. Our thoughts became one for a little while, so I was aware of the essence of what was in your mind. You do that all the time, you know. How often in the past few years have you been able to answer peoples questions before the questions were ever asked?Yes,I see what you mean, I said. Now I was thinking of Mardai and the years we had spent together. Memories of the past started flowing fast and fur...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 65)
Yes, I remember now. Help is always there for us. We were not thrown into the cosmos as biological accidents. Were children of our Creator with the power to alter creation itself. Yes, I know all these things, but sometimes I, too, become anxious and forget.Its easy to forget who you are. Fear, frustration, anger, doubt,greed, selfishness . . . these are the reasons for forgetting. Love, peace, joy, quietness, compassion, aloneness . . . these help you to remem...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 61 )
The wind in the leaves above reminded me of poems Id read about mystical lands and climes,though where I was tonight was mystical in itself. Thoughts flooded my mind, tumbling over one another in an effort to grab my attention. I had concentrated my focus so intently on the present that I could scarcely remember I was supposed to be having dinner with Gideon and Marla. Time often appears to be relative, resembling situations in everyday life when whatever it is that you are ...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 60 )
Very well, my lord, Donald replied. But weve grown accustomed to addressing you this way. Itll take some getting used to.We enjoyed a hearty meal. Charlie was as good at cooking as he was at piping. With dinner over, we relaxed to those lovely tunes, which to me are such a delight. Finally, I looked at my watch and saw that it was 10:30 P.M. That was when I realized I had my remote control clipped to my belt and that I was dressed quite differently from t...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 54 )
No, John. I quite understand. A shadow of sadness crossed her face. Perhaps it was my imagination. However, the pull of that little village was so strong and I felt the need to be alone.I cant explain it, Marla. I just must be alone with my thoughts.There are times we all need aloneness. Here, clip this remote control to your belt. The buttons on the main panel are duplicated on the remote. Remember, green for go,red to stop or to change progr...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 53 )
There is a village in Scotland far from the bustling of busy cities. Or at least there was. Go, as the crow flies, north from Cromarty, beyond Dornoch Firth, toward the Northwest Highlands, and you will cross green, gently rising countryside to see the hills and lochs of this ancient land. You cannot help but be caught up in a spirit of exhilaration and freedom. Before you reach the ocean, about fifty miles away, turn sharply to your right and proceed directly east toward the...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 47 )
It is generally difficult not to be optimistic, happy and peaceful when Im with Gideon. And, with the added enjoyment of Marlas presence, the evening promised to be, in a manner of speaking, out of this world. I was anxious to ask Marla questions, to learn what she was doing, to know more about her work. When we said good- bye many years ago, I knew I would see her again, but now I wondered if she knew of the trials I had endured since then.As if in answer to my unspo...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 46 )
He always sermonizes like that to me, Marla, I said as we slid into the back seat. The driver closed the door and we were off. On my right sat my old friend Gideon and on my left the enchanting Marla.Where are we going, Gideon? I asked.To the Restaurant at the Edge of Eternity, he answered. The what at the edge of where? I blurted out, with surprise.Marla added, We figured it would be fun taking a break from your everyday work,John. That...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 41 )
As if reading my thoughts, he said, We all must learn sooner or later to respond instead of react. When we react to what seem to be obstacles, we tend to become reactors and our reaction controls us. When we respond from a higher standpoint of understanding, we then are acting in a responsible manner and our very response controls circumstances and events. I know that you have given thought to this before.It isnt that I dont understand all that, Gideon. It...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 40 )
As I contemplated these ideas, I realized how helpful and practical Gideon had been. He was trying to show me the way to a more glorious life. His method of teaching was simplicity itself. His was a lifetime of love and understanding, and because I felt his concern,I responded by learning many lessons extremely quickly. He used examples from everyday life and imparted to me not only knowledge, but understanding at the same time.I remember driving along on a super highway ...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 36 )
I realized how upset I had been. Those people and events that made me angry were all in the past. It was only my memory of them that was making me miserable. I hardly ever lock my keys in the car. This didnt happen accidentally; there are o accidents. But now I must actively do something. I gently placed the kitten on the hood of the car as I tried the door once more. Locked tight. I leaned back on the door, closed my eyes for a few seconds and pictured myself driving home. ...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 35 )
How quickly we forget the moments of our glory, the joy of our being. How easy it is to become entrapped in the newsreel of life. How natural it seems to react with anger,impatience, hurt and frustration when situations seem beyond our control. This is precisely when we need to realize that we are in the midst of a drama whose script we have written. We are the actor, the director, the play-wright, the very play itself. The reasons for our doing this are highly personal and b...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 34 )
Picking up a few items in the supermarket should have been a relatively simple matter. Today it was not. In fact, planning the invasion of Normandy paled in comparison. A careless shopper, intent on rushing through the aisles, bumped her shopping cart into mine. This collision knocked me into a stacked display of canned goods,causing them to scatter in every direction. Caught off-balance,I slipped and landed on a well-padded portion of my anatomy. Gazing up, I saw a number of...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 30 )
No worry came to me as I retraced my footsteps. There was music in the air and I was a part of it.Life was meant for rejoicing, not for suffering. Focus on suffering and thats what you get more suffering. Be alive all your life,strange as that sounds, and you find that planet Earth can be a lovely adventure. So many years I had spent worrying about money, illness, family and everything else, that Id lost sight of some of the more important aspects of life joy, peac...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 29 )
Here I was, putting the cart before the horse, or to put it another way, thinking that it was the tail wagging the dog. I began to remember some of the simple rules of life that Gideon had taught me: live one day at a time; do the best with what you have; love and help one another. In the process of remembering these truths I became extremely elated. The joy of these recollections generated considerable excitement in my mind, and before I knew it, everything seemed well with ...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 23 )
Malika came down first. As was her custom, she walked over to me,kissed me good morning and sat down at the kitchen table. Jonathan immediately followed. There was the usual sparkle in his eyes as he smiled.Hi,Dad, he said.Was somebody here? I thought I heard voices.Oh, just a fellow who was passing by, I replied.The one who said you won a set of books? he asked. Taken aback, I asked, Who told you that?Im not sure,...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 22 )
Life is not like a roller coaster. Look at it as that and you will always have ups and downs. Certainly youve been through a lot in the past years. Of course, you and those with you have suffered. But that is only part of the story. Believe me, you were watched over and you were protected. All people are. Each and every one of the human life forms on Earth has its own protective system. You are forever safe even though, at times, you may think that your world is crumbling....
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 16 )
When I awoke it was already daylight. I have a favorite spot where I sit with my first cup of morning coffee. Its in the kitchen,facing the large window that overlooks the woods behind the house. Earlier that year,I had erected a number of bird feeders,and I took pleasure in watching the birds as they enjoyed the seeds Malika and Jonathan set out for them. One bird feeder was suspended from a thin wire stretched out between two giant oak trees. This was an effort in my never...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 15 )
Amazing, I thought. He barely spoke to me a few hours ago, made an appointment, canceled it, and dropped off my gift book in the mailbox. And what a title The AncientLight Within.Since I needed another good book to read, I was grateful for this one. I opened it,searching for the name of the publisher and author. There, printed on the first page was The Ancient Light Within by the Editors of G & M Enterprises, The Big City, United States of America. On the left, inside cov...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 102 )
She seemed to be so concerned, so caring, and her voice was so soothing, that I sat silently for a time looking at the woods. Slowly at first and then with total absorption, my entire body started to relax. An overwhelming feeling of peace came over me and I smiled at Gideon. I even winked at Marla.Its fine, I whispered. I know where He is.I think weve finally gotten through to him, Gideon, Marla announced proudly.I think so, was G...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 101 )
A few moments later, we were sitting with Marla on the porch. I was expecting Gods arrival any moment now. Hello,John, Marla greeted me.This is a wonderful setting for a meeting with Him.It certainly is, I responded, but where is He, Marla? This is supposed to be the day, isnt it?Yes, its today and the time is right. Then, turning to Gideon, she said, Why dont you go ahead and explain, Gideon....
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New Age Spirituality - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 102 )
I see you remembered to plug in the coffeepot,Gideon quipped when I returned.What do you mean? I asked.Well, not too long ago, a friend of yours was visiting and you offered to make him some coffee. You couldnt figure out why it was taking so long until finally your friend noticed that you had forgotten to plug in the coffeepot. Then there was the time when you forgot to Journey in the Fields of Forever fill the pot with water. Do you want me to continue...
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New Age Spirituality - Inspirational Stories ( Part 9 )
So it is with duty. The idea of duty varies much among different nations. In one country, if a man does not do certain things, people will say he has acted wrongly; while if he does those very things in another country, people will say that he did not act rightly -- and yet we know that there must be some universal idea of duty. In the same way, one class of society thinks that certain things are among its duty, while another class thinks quite the opposite and would be horri...
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New Age Spirituality - Inspirational Stories ( Part 8 )
According to the Sankhya philosophy,nature is composed of three forces called, in Sanskrit, Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas. These as manifested in the physical world are what we may call equilibrium, activity, and inertness. Tamas is typified as darkness or inactivity; Rajas is activity, expressed as attraction or repulsion; and Sattva is the equilibrium of the two.In every man there are these three forces. Sometimes Tamas prevails. We become lazy, we cannot move, we are inacti...
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New Age Spirituality - Inspirational Stories ( Part 35 )
On another occasion in the same Fair another man gave me a push. When I asked him the reason, he also was ashamed and stammered out an apology saying, Why do you dress that way? The sympathies of these men were limited within the range of their own language and their own fashion of dress. Much of the oppression of powerful nations on weaker ones is caused by this prejudice. It dries up their fellow - feeling for fellow men. That very man who asked me why I did not dress as ...
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New Age Spirituality - Inspirational Stories ( Part 34 )
From the subjective standpoint we may see that certain acts have a tendency to exalt and ennoble us, while certain other acts have a tendency to degrade and to brutalise us. But it is not possible to make out with certainty which acts have which kind of tendency in relation to all persons, of all sorts and conditions. There is, however, only one idea of duty which has been universally accepted by all mankind, of all ages and sects and countries, and that has been summed up in...
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New Age Spirituality - Inspirational Stories ( Part 2 )
We say Newton discovered gravitation. Was it sitting anywhere in a corner waiting for him? It was in his own mind; the time came and he found it out. All knowledge that the world has ever received comes from the mind; the infinite library of the universe is in your own mind. The external world is simply the suggestion, the occasion, which sets you to study your own mind, but the object of your study is always your own mind. The falling of an apple gave the suggestion to Newto...
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New Age Spirituality - Inspirational Stories ( Part 29 )
When that existence becomes relative, we see it as the world; that knowledge becomes in its turn modified into the knowledge of the things of the world; and that bliss forms the foundation of all true love known to the heart of man. Therefore true love can never react so as to cause pain either to the lover or to the beloved. Suppose a man loves a woman; he wishes to have her all to himself and feels extremely jealous about her every movement; he wants her to sit near him,to ...
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New Age Spirituality - Inspirational Stories ( Part 28 )
If we remember this always, we shall never be attached to nature; we shall know that nature is a book in which we are to read, and that when we have gained the required knowledge, the book is of no more value to us. Instead of that, however, we are identifying ourselves with nature; we are thinking that the soul is for nature, that the spirit is for the flesh, and, as the common saying has it, we think that man lives to eat and not eats to live. We are continually making ...
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New Age Spirituality - Inspirational Stories ( Part 22 )
So he plunged into the midst of the fire and perished. The guests saw him falling and tried to save him, but he was too quick for them.The little bird's wife saw what her husband did, and she said, Here are three persons and only one little bird for them to eat. It is not enough; it is my duty as a wife not to let my husband's effort go in vain; let them have my body also. Then she fell into the fire and was burned to death.Then the three baby - birds, when they saw...
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New Age Spirituality - Inspirational Stories ( Part 21 )
Now the princess had fallen so much in love with this young man that she said, I must marry this man or I shall die; and she went after him to bring him back. Then our other Sannyasin, who had brought the king there, said to him, King, let us follow this pair; so they walked after them, but at a good distance behind. The young Sannyasin who had refused to marry the princess walked out into the country for several miles. When he came to a forest and entered into it, the pr...
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New Age Spirituality - Inspirational Stories ( Part 1 )
The word Karma is derived from the Sanskrit Kri, to do; all action is Karma. Technically, this word also means the effects of actions. In connection with metaphysics, it sometimes means the effects, of which our past actions were the causes. But in Karma-Yoga we have simply to do with the word Karma as meaning work. The goal of mankind is knowledge. That is the one ideal placed before us by Eastern philosophy.Pleasure is not the goal of man, but knowledge. Pleasure and happin...
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New Age Spirituality - Inspirational Stories ( Part 15 )
Knowing that mother and father are the visible representatives of God, the householder, always and by all means, must please them. If the mother is pleased, and the father, God is pleased with the man. That child is really a good child who never speaks harsh words to his parents.Before parents one must not utter jokes, must not show restlessness, must not show anger or temper. Before mother or father, a child must bow down low, and stand up in their presence, and must not...
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New Age Spirituality - Inspirational Stories ( Part 14 )
The life of every individual,according to the Hindu scriptures, has its peculiar duties apart from what belongs in common to universal humanity. The Hindu begins life as a student; then he marries and becomes a householder; in old age he retires; and lastly he gives up the world and becomes a Sannyasin. To each of these stages of life certain duties are attached. No one of these stages is intrinsically superior to another. The life of the married man is quite as great as that...
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Age New Spirituality Inspirational Stories ( Part 88 )
Similarly, we find in regard to ourselves that our tendencies are the result of past conscious actions. A child is born with certain tendencies. Whence do they come? No child is born with a tabula rasa -- with a clean,blank page -- of a mind. The page has been written on previously. The old Greek and Egyptian philosophers taught that no child came with a vacant mind. Each child comes with a hundred tendencies generated by past conscious actions. It did not acquire these in th...
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Age New Spirituality - Inspirational Stories ( Part 75 )
There is to be found in every religion the manifestation of this struggle towards freedom. It is the groundwork of all morality,of unselfishness, which means getting rid of the idea that men are the same as their little body. When we see a man doing good work, helping others, it means that he cannot be confined within the limited circle of me and mine.There is no limit to this getting out of selfishness. All the great systems of ethics preach absolute unselfishness as t...
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Age New Spirituality - Inspirational Stories ( Part 74 )
The grandest idea in the religion of the Vedanta is that we may reach the same goal by different paths; and these paths I have generalized into four, viz. those of work, love,psychology, and knowledge. But you must, at the same time, remember that these divisions are not very marked and quite exclusive of each other. Each blends into the other. But according to the type which prevails, we name the divisions. It is not that you can find men who have no other faculty than that ...
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Age New Spirituality - Inspirational Stories ( Part 62 )
The next question for consideration is what we mean by law being universal. Our universe is that portion of existence which is characterised by what the Sanskrit psychologists call Desha- kala- nimitta, or what is known to European psychology as space, time, and causation. This universe is only a part of infinite existence, thrown into a peculiar mould, composed of space, time, and causation. It necessarily follows that law is possible only within this conditioned universe; b...
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Age New Spirituality - Inspirational Stories ( Part 61 )
In addition to meaning work,we have stated that psychologically the word Karma also implies causation. Any work, any action, any thought that produces an effect is called a Karma. Thus the law of Karma means the law of causation,of inevitable cause and sequence. Wheresoever there is a cause, there an effect must be produced; this necessity cannot be resisted,and this law of Karma, according to our philosophy,is true throughout the whole universe. Whatever we see,or feel, or d...
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Age New Spirituality - Inspirational Stories ( Part 55 )
To come back to one of our main points,we say that we cannot do good without at the same time doing some evil, or do evil without doing some good. Knowing this, how can we work? There have, therefore, been sects in this world who have in an astoundingly preposterous way preached slow suicide as the only means to get out of the world, because if a man lives,he has to kill poor little animals and plants or do injury to something or some one. So according to them the only way ou...
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Age New Spirituality - Inspirational Stories ( Part 54 )
However much their systems of philosophy and religion may differ, all mankind stand in reverence and awe before the man who is ready to sacrifice himself for others. Here,it is not at all any question of creed,or doctrine - even men who are very much opposed to all religious ideas, when they see one of these acts of complete self - sacrifice,feel that they must revere it.Have you not seen even a most bigoted Christian, when he reads Edwin Arnold's Light of Asia, stand in ...
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Age New Spirituality - Inspirational Stories ( Part 48 )
Just as every action that emanates from us comes back to us as reaction,even so our actions may act on other people and theirs on us. Perhaps all of you have observed it as a fact that when persons do evil actions, they become more and more evil, and when they begin to do good, they become stronger and stronger and learn to do good at all times.This intensification of the influence of action cannot be explained on any other ground than that we can act and react upon each ...
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Age New Spirituality - Inspirational Stories ( Part 47 )
This world is like a dog's curly tail, and people have been striving to straighten it out for hundreds of years; but when they let it go, it has curled up again. How could it be otherwise? One must first know how to work without attachment, then one will not be a fanatic. When we know that this world is like a dog's curly tail and will never get straightened, we shall not become fanatics. If there were no fanaticism in the world, it would make much more progress than it does ...

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